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2024-02-01 00:06 来源:旺达屋 点击:





if & whether


1. I don’t know whether / if I should tell him the bad news.

2. I don’t know whether he will come or not.

3. Whether he will come is still a question.

4. If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, I will go shopping.

5. It depends on whether he can come here on time.

6. He can’t decide whether to visit her or not.

【点拨】if和whether都可以引导宾语从句,常可互换,表示“是否”(如例1);但whether可与or not连用,而if则不可(如例2);在句首时常用whether,而不用if(如例3);但表示“如果”时用if,而不用whether(如例4);介词后常用whether,而不用if(如例5); whether可与动词不定式连用,而if则不可(如例6)。


1. She was not sure _________ to stay or leave.

2. _________ you need the book, I will lend it to you.

3. Tell me _________ or not you’re interested in the project.

4. Tony, who is going to study abroad, is worried about _________ he will be lonely and homesick.

5. I wonder _________ I can get some advice from you.


1. whether

2. If

3. whether

4. whether

5. if / whether

silent & silence


1. The village is completely silent in the early morning.

2. People fell silent when the president appeared.

3. The man kept silent when the policeman asked him some questions.

4. Seeing his son not coming back, the old man walked back to the house in silence.

【点拨】silent作形容词,意为“安静的;沉默的”(如例1);fall silent相当于become silent,表示安静下来(如例2);keep silent表示保持沉默(如例3)。

silence作名词,意为“安静,沉默,不说话”,in silence表示默默地、不作声地(如例4)。


1. 当李教授出现的时候,人群安静了下来。

The crowd _________ when Dr. Lee appeared.

2. 当听到他说的话时,人们再也不能保持安静了。

People could not _________ any longer when they heard what he said.

3. 老师讲课的时候同学们安安静静地听着。

The students listened _________ as their teacher gave the lesson.


1. fell silent

2. keep silent

3. in silence

provide & offer


1. Mother provided a good dinner.

2. I provide him with all my computer games.

3. The organization provides food for the poor in the city.

4. He offered me a glass of wine.

5. He offered a glass of wine to me.

【点拨】provide作动词,意为“提供;供给”,其后常接名词或代词作宾语(如例1);“提供给某人某物”常用provide sb. with sth.(如例2)或provide sth. for sb.(如例3)。

offer也表示提供,常用offer sb. sth.(如例4)或offer sth. to sb.(如例5)表示给某人提供某物。


1. Jack _________ some coffee to us when we got to his office.

2. The company _________ Mr. Lee _________ a car.

3. The doctors have _________ the best medicine _________ the patient (病人).


1. offered

2. provides; with

3. provided; for