A time will come in your life when some people will regret why they treated you wrong.trust me,it will definitely come.
No one can stop what is meant for you,no jealousy,no envy,no evil eye,nothing can stop blessings that align with you.
You can meet somebody tomorrow who has better intentions for you than someone you’ve known forevere.time means nothing,character does.
If you see an opportunity to help someone,do it.sometimes you will end up being the solution to someone’s prayears.
If you have the chance to make people happy,just do it.sometimes people are struggling silently.maybe,your act of kindness can make their day.
Flowers do not bloom without a little rain.everything has it’s purpose,even pain.
A relationship that naturally makes you love yourself more and reminds you of who you are is worth the wait.never settle.
People who protect your name in your absence and make you feel safe with their presence are so precious.
To your own voice,to your own soul.too many people these days listen to the noise of the world instead of their own intuition.
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